A New Arrival Can Be A Lot To Take In
As a former mother of an only child (hence the baby and the toddler), the arrival of a new baby can bring a mix of emotions. On one hand, you’re filled with excitement and joy at the prospect of expanding your family. On the other hand, you may worry about how your older child will adjust to the new addition. However, with patience, love, and understanding, you can help your only child transition to becoming a big sibling easily.

- Prepare in advance: Before the new baby’s arrival, talk to your older child about what to expect. When approaching a toddler, it helps to use visuals. Try a baby doll and simulate what would happen when the baby comes. Use age-appropriate language to explain what will happen and help your child understand their role as a big sibling. Encourage them to ask questions and express their feelings about the new arrival.
- Involve your older child in the preparation process: Allowing your older child to be involved in preparing for the new baby can help them feel more connected and included. This could be as simple as helping choose a blanket (my daughter picked this blanket out for her little brother) or toy for the new baby or reading books together about becoming a big sibling. This also makes a great gift for the future big sibling. These are some of the books I read with my littles to prepare them to become older siblings.
- Make time for one-on-one time with your older child: It’s important to make sure that your older child doesn’t feel left out or neglected after the arrival of the new baby. Set aside special time for just you and your older child to do things they enjoy, such as playing games, doing art projects, or going for a walk together. You can click here for some suggestions.Â
- Encourage sibling bonding: As soon as it is safe to do so, encourage your older child to bond with the new baby. Let them help with small tasks such as getting the baby’s blanket or pacifier, and let them know how important their role is as a big sibling.

- Be patient and understanding: Change can be difficult, especially for young children. Remember that your older child may need time to adjust and that it’s normal for them to have mixed feelings about the new addition. Be patient, understanding, and available to listen to their concerns.
- If your child is not as verbal yet, try reading their body language. Watch their change in habits. If you see something that is not right or different, help them. Spend more time with them, and incorporate their name when speaking about the new baby. Go shopping for the baby with them on Amazon Baby Registry. Let them click away.
In conclusion, the arrival of a new baby can be a big adjustment for an only child, but with love, patience, and understanding, it can be a wonderful experience for both your children. Remember to take things one day at a time and celebrate each milestone along the way. Good luck and enjoy your growing family.
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