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How to Overcome Anxiety of A C-Section

I will start by saying, that C-sections are not for the weak. Whoever EVER said a mom is less of a mom because she had a c-section, never had one. As a mom of 4, and only experienced a c-section once, I have to say, I rather push than get cut open. (btw, my 4th child was a c-section child). I will not only give you pointers to look out for if you ever have to go through the procedure but will also give you products that will help you prepare and recover from this process. 


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What Is A C-Section?

A Cesarean section, commonly known as a C-section, is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby when natural birth is not possible or safe for the mother or the baby. It involves making an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus to remove the baby. C-sections can be planned in advance or may become necessary during labor due to various medical reasons. I had to have a c-section due to the minimal activity my baby was doing in the womb. 

Real Life Experience of  A C-Section:

Many mothers have shared their experiences of undergoing a C-section. While some may have positive experiences, others may find it challenging. The recovery process after a C-section can be different for each mom, and it’s essential to have the right products to help make the recovery period as comfortable as possible.

Me personally, I am one of the latter moms. My experience wasn’t so pleasant. As mentioned, my c-section wasn’t planned. I had to do an emergency procedure. The process leading up to the procedure was ok. The anesthesiologist came and explained what would be done. I will get a sharp shot in my back to numb my lower body.  

What Happened During My Procedure?

And I did. the procedure was no more than 2 minutes when it came to getting my daughter out. I was told i will feel pressure, and I did…A lot of pressure, but for a short time. The real work came after i saw my baby girl and made sure she was ok. I laid on the table for 2 hours. 

What a lot of people don’t understand is, these doctors has to put your organs back in place. I also had an order for a tub ligation, which i will not speak much about because my procedure did not go so great. Let’s just say I had extra trauma that didn’t work. The real pain and journey came after. They want you up and moving within a few hours after a major surgery. 

You're usually Able To See The Baby When They Come Out

The real pain and journey came after. They want you up and moving within a few hours after a major surgery. I felt so unprepared and hopeless. A lot of emotions and postpartum symptoms started to come over me as well. I don’t want mamas to go through what I went through. I want mamas to have information and products to help them through this process. 

Essential Products for Moms During and After Childbirth

Abdominal Binder or Belly Wrap:

   An abdominal binder provides support to the abdomen, especially after a C-section, and helps reduce discomfort and strain on the incision site. My hospital had some on hand to give me (due to my unpreparedness) but you can always purchase your own to better fit you

Comfortable High-Waisted Underwear:

   High-waisted underwear helps avoid any irritation or pressure on the C-section incision, providing comfort during the recovery period. Once again, my hospital had an unlimited supply for me. Most of the hospitals will give you as much as you need if you don’t want to spend the dime. 

If you want an all in one kit, I love the Frida Postpartum Kits. No guessing games and everything you need is all right there in a nice handy kit you can just take with you to the hospital!

Loose-Fitting Clothing:

   Loose-fitting, breathable clothing is essential for comfort, especially during the initial days of recovery. Just 4 Moms clothing brand has comfy clothes with some sass to them. You can check out the store here

Nursing Pillow:

   A nursing pillow can provide support and comfort while breastfeeding, especially if the mother has had a C-section. This is something I think would be best used at home. You can always bring your own to the hospital. I just used what I had at the hospital.

Stool Softeners and Gas Tablets:

   These can help manage post-surgery constipation, which is a common issue after a C-section. I was also told these meds help make sure that your intestines are working properly. They are moved about during surgery, so to test if they were put back properly, they wait for you to pass gas and have a bowel movement. 

Scar Care Products:

   Specialized scar care products, such as silicone sheets or scar creams, can help promote healing and reduce the appearance of the C-section scar. Another item you can purchase for pain management is these Lidocaine Patches


Breastfeeding Support Products:

   Nursing bras, nipple creams, and breast pads can assist in the breastfeeding journey post C-section. There are some already made kits on the market, but hey you may just want to build your own. If you do, just make sure you have something to collect the early milk; colostrum. I feel the hospital sets you up for failure when given you these huge containers to collect such little milk. This way you know your baby is getting all the “liquid gold”.

you can click here for more info on breastfeeding and how you and baby can enjoy the experience.

Baby Care Products:

   Since lifting heavy objects is restricted after a C-section, having baby care products such as a bassinet, diaper changing station, and baby wraps can make caring for the newborn more manageable. You’ll thank me later!

While the experience of a C-section can vary for each mother, having the right products during and after the procedure can significantly impact the recovery process. It’s important for moms to be prepared with the necessary items to ensure a comfortable and smooth recovery after undergoing a C-section. I do hope this helps you through this hump into motherhood!

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